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Mashup of movies capturing 2020

Year 2020 started normal enough, with lingering news of a new virus breaking out in China and how they are in lockdown for the entire city.

Trips continued to be planned, weddings still went on, even our Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations were completed then the inevitable happened. We had our own local cases, and it grew. Then known as Wuhan virus (based on the first known China city that locked down completely), quickly spread to the world.

In the coming weeks, Singapore had its first ever Circuit Breaker (our version of a lock down) and was extended to further try to contain the virus spreading. Only to enter multiple phases 2A , 2B, 2C and now months later 3.

So much has happened, yet so little did. The world came to a standstill, Earth shown signs of healing with nature coming back to places humans came to pollute.

Masks, temperature taking, hand sanitizers, social distancing, working from home, group limits all became too familiar to our daily lifes around the world.

Movies and cinemas shut down, and much was missed from this lost period.

This 2020 movie mash up still moves and inspires me with the excellent choice in music, dialogue and editing.

To me, the mashup summarizes the year very well. Put on a good pair of headphones and watch it on a screen bigger than your mobile phone to fully enjoy it.
Sleep Skunk did a fantastic editing job!

Hope it speaks to you like how it did for me.