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Collective efforts can bear great fruit when everyone knows the why, risks and final objective. Even if you can, doesn’t mean you should. Always be… Read More »2023-05-16.Tue


#dailythoughts Trying to stick to my new track, and write something useful everyday to share. Can be a drawing, a word, a poem, a reflection,… Read More »2023-05-15.Mon

How bright will you burn? UPW: Unleash your Power Within 2019 Singapore

How bright will you burn? UPW: Unleash your Power Within 2019 Singapore

When I was 17, one of the best gifts my Dad gave me, was to bring to a seminar where we jumped alot, massage our neighbouring participants and beat our chests like animals! It was the first time I met the giant, Anthony Robbins or Tony Robbins as most people call him.

Good morning

Mornings are filled with possibilities and changes. So wake up every morning and start creating! More than consuming. There is much I experiment with, Trello,… Read More »Good morning